
When my media stack was hosted in #GreenCloudVPS, never did encounter problems. But with #EvosHosting, it was never reliable.

You ask why?

  1. Downtime happens from time to time
  2. Subscription is on a monthly basis only (no annual). They’re not even sure they can delivery their services reliably on the long term
  3. Auto-paying their invoices monthly via Paypal is not working at all. You need to remember to pay your invoices manually every month.

Just when #Reacher Season 3 became exciting (at least compared to Season 2), then Amazon decided to release them in installment (1 per week).


Will people in the #Fediverse take you more seriously if you’re running your own Fediverse instance, may it be #Mastodon or #GoToSocial?


Running now #GoToSocial 0.18.0. Number 1 improvement is the ability to edit posts. No. 2 is push notification, via #Ntfy though, not #Pushover?

Testing Edit now. –> Hey it worked!


Finished transferring #UptimeKuma to one of my trusted VPS. Now, I’m free to play around with the old VPS.


I give up on #Authelia. Why can’t it just come up with a very basic configuration for a very basic purpose like if you just want a simple username and password security for some of your services? Why complicate everything from the start? Any suggestion for alternatives please?


Maverick Hugo Theme

Maverick is a minimal Hugo blog theme with introduction page and based on Listed by Ronalds Vilciņš. This Hugo theme features several content sections, front page, dynamic pages creation and a Github comment.
Another option for my future Hugo projects.


An online tree-like utility for generating ASCII folder structure diagrams. Written in TypeScript and React.
Here’s an alternative to the tree app and command in Linux.

@gohugoio #GoHugo appears to be releasing updates at a rapid pace lately.


How to make sure that you’re getting the updated file in #PowerQuery, without the browser’s or server’s caching conflict: deuts.org/∞