
The Ultimate Guide to Setting Up Traefik

Master the art of deploying Traefik in your environment. This comprehensive guide covers everything from installation to advanced configuration for seamless traffic management in your homelab.
I’m a Caddy guy, but leaving this here for future reference. Maybe I’ll encounter a situation that I may need to deploy Traefik instead in the future.

CaddyGen - Caddy Config Generator

CaddyGen is a user-friendly web interface for generating Caddy server configurations. Easily create and manage reverse proxy and file server configurations with support for SSL, compression, security headers, and more.
This is a Caddy config generator based on presets. No, the UI is not about managing your various Caddy configurations.

Setup Caddy with automatic SSL certificates with Cloudflare

Recently I migrated my homelab from using Nginx with local domain certificates to using Caddy with automatic SSL certificates from Cloudflare. This post will go over the steps I took to set up Caddy with Cloudflare.

Docker, Tailscale and Caddy with HTTPS. A love story!

This details the Tailscale and Caddy setup as well as the should be Caddyfile content.

GitHub - http403/tailscale-caddy: Serving Caddy with Tailscale Side Car

Serving Caddy with Tailscale Side Car. Contribute to http403/tailscale-caddy development by creating an account on GitHub.

Tailscale & Caddy for better admin security by Tim Nash

Securing a web app admin area, by combining Tailscale with MagicDNS split DNS feature, Systemd-resolved and Caddy.

Reverse Proxy Caddy WireGuard Behind CGNAT