
PdfDing PDF manager

PdfDing is a selfhosted PDF manager and viewer offering a seamless user experience on multiple devices. It’s designed be to be minimal, fast, and easy to set up using Docker.

Everything I learned about Hugo: Building robinvanderknaap.dev

Step-by-step guide building my personal blog using Hugo from scratch.


A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues
I preferred Giscus over this, because of the use of GitHub Discussions instead of Issues.


A comments widget built on GitHub Discussions.

WordPress to Hugo Exporter

Hugo is static site generator written in golang. Wordpress is a tool for remote access to your server ;-) ❗️Contributions welcome! - SchumacherFM/wordpress-to-hugo-exporter

This is not working for me. At least for deuts.net

Might have to try out the cli version instead.


Glances Linux System Monitor Docker Compose

Contribute to bigbeartechworld/big-bear-video-assets development by creating an account on GitHub.


A Simple Jellyfin Frontend.

Obsidian with LiveSync: your very own CouchDB-backed cloud notes

We need to check out this tutorial if legit. I need to install CouchDB as sync for my Obsidian vaults.

Nightfall Hugo Theme

Nightfall Nightfall is a minimal dark theme for Hugo. Demo
Get the theme Install Hugo and dart-sass.
Import as hugo module in config.toml:
[module] [[module.imports]] path = ‘github.com/LordMathis/hugo-theme-nightfall’ OR
Import manually:
git clone https://github.com/LordMathis/hugo-theme-nightfall themes/nightfall Add theme = “nightfall” in your config.toml: Configuration For full example chech exampleSite/config.toml
Add these params to you config.toml
[params] user = “hello” hostname = “gohugo.io” [params.author] name = “Mr Hugo” email = “hugo@example.com” Social links You can also add social links.

Obsidian Livesync Tutorial for CouchDB on Reddit

I’ve been using Obsidian with the LiveSync plugin by vrtmrz for over a month now and not counting the Arr stack, this plugin is without a doubt, the single-best self-hosted service that I run on my server. I use it multiple times a day and at this point I can’t live without it. So I decided to contribute back to the community, which has taught me so much, by sharing my experience and also writing a detailed guide. I found that most guides gloss over crucial steps, but then again I rarely know what I’m doing, so take my guide with a pinch of salt.