
Tududi - A Minimalist, Open-Source Task and Project Management Tool github.com/∞

My wish for this is a notification for overdue tasks via Gotify, Telegram or email.


Look at what I found: paste crap, get truth.

www.bullshitremover.com www.bullshitremover.com/∞


For me I’m waiting around here for #Bluesky and #ATProto to mature and excited to try out all the cool features to come in the future, especially for those who have their own PDS instance like me.


Why does it always have to be #Mastodon vs. #Bluesky? They can co-exist, you and your friends can sign up to both.



A bridge from Obsidian to Hugo for Static Website Generation (including ForeverLinks redirect support for Netlify).

The chess world champions list. Of course missing in this list are Khalifman, Ponomariov, Khasimdzhanov, and Topalov. That’s how chaotic the chess world has been in the 90’s to 2000’s.


I’ll bet this won’t take a year before it’ll be back to retirement. PLDT relaunching the Smart Money e-wallet despite having Maya www.abs-cbn.com/∞


Mind you, I already have a piece about this, why Bitcoin is a scam deuts.org/∞


Story-telling time: Defending open source, protecting the future of WordPress automattic.com/∞


This is the current size of my #Hugo build: 366 pages, 10 static file, done in 404ms. I wonder if there are any much bigger site, and how long did it take for you to build the site?