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How to install Hugo in a Linux VPS

Posted on Aug 12, 2023


If you’re running Debian or Ubuntu on your VPS, you can actually easily install Hugo via:

sudo apt install hugo

However, the version you can get from the repository is so old. Mine’s around version 0.80 I think.

Via Deb file from Github

Download and Run

If you want the latest version of Hugo installed, you need to get it from github. As of this writing, the latest version is v0.117.0. Thus, you can run:

sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_0.117.0_linux-amd64.deb

Copy the Hugo file

By default, using the above method, hugo is saved under /usr/local/bin. You can verify that by running which hugo command. But this needs to be copied to the /usr/bin folder. Thus, run:

sudo cp /usr/local/bin/hugo /usr/bin/

Check version

You can double check if indeed you have the latest version by running:

hugo version

Updating Hugo to the latest release

Redo all the installation instructions above including the sudo cp /usr/local/bin/hugo /usr/bin/ command.